As the wheel of karma turns, many of us find ourselves hoping that it turns in our favour. The idea that we reap what we sow can be both a boon and a bane depending on what a person has done in the past. How would you feel if you found out that karma is a more comprehensive and meaningful concept than you thought? Understanding the power of karma and its influence on people can help you put things in perspective.
Understanding what karma means can have a profound impact on our daily lives. Karma is simply the idea that our actions have consequences, and that the energy we put out into the universe will come back to us in one way or another. This means that every decision we make, every word we say, and every action we take will have a ripple effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.
In case you’re wondering how karma works and what its impact on our lives is, we have you covered.
What Karma Means
Karma is what you do and the energy it creates, whereas the law of karma is what governs the result of the action.
Karma is a word originating from Sanskrit that means ‘action’ or ‘deed’. Since each action or deed that a person does creates either positive or negative energy, the action eventually leads to some other effect in the world. Therefore, every action that a person takes can be linked back to a concept known as the law of karma or the law of cause and effect in the universe.
According to the law of karma, every action we take creates an energy that will eventually return to us in some form or another. If a person writes a book with the intention of inspiring others and spreading knowledge, it is a positive action that will create positive karma. This positive energy may eventually lead to the person experiencing more success, recognition, and fulfilment in their life.
This means that positive actions will lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions will lead to negative outcomes.
Similar teachings to Karma in Various Faiths
The idea of karma has blossomed across numerous faiths, expressed in various languages and teachings.
Karma originates from ancient India and is rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism. Interestingly, the concept of karma is mentioned in some of the oldest texts in the world, including the Rigveda, which is believed to have been composed around 1500 BCE.
Many Sanskrit scriptures and idioms speak about the concept and guide people to do better in their life.
While the concept of karma is primarily attributed to the ancient religion of Hinduism, every religion out there has similar teachings that guide a person to take better actions that stimulates the growth of positive energy in the world.
Here are a few examples of similar teachings from other faiths:
Christianity: Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:18), As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. (Job 4:8)
Judaism: Praise the righteous man for he is good, for the fruit of their deeds they shall eat. Woe to the wicked [who does] evil, for the recompense of his hands shall be done to him. (Isaiah 3:10-11)
Islam: So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. (99:7-8)
How Karma Affects Your Life
Karma is a law that affects your lives in multiple ways and can be used to foster patience!
No matter what action you take in life, it definitely has some sort of effect on your life. Whether the actions have short-term consequences or more long-term consequences, at the end of the day, the energy we create does come back to meet us.
The best thing about the concept is that it makes a solid distinction between karma and luck. Instead of putting things up to luck, you can have a say in the consequences you face in life. If you do good, good things happen to you.
Let’s consider the example of a Jennifer, a honest job candidate, and the future she created. Jennifer admitted during a job interview that she lacked a particular skill. The interviewer appreciated her honesty and offered to train her. As Jennifer grew in her career, she became a mentor, helping others develop their skills. Her integrity and willingness to learn attracted success and enabled her to support others on their journeys.
Karma can also have an incredible impact on relationships. Let’s hear about Samantha. Samantha always lent a patient ear to her friends' relationship woes. When she faced a tough breakup, her friends rallied around her, offering love and support. Samantha's attentive listening returned to her in her time of need, showing that compassion and understanding create a strong support system.
Why Karma is Important
Karma is the superpower that you can use to create a better life and a better you.
Karma is like the superhero of the universe - it teaches us that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It's not just a belief system, it's a way of life that can help us grow in patience and understand that our actions have consequences.
Karma is like a wise teacher who reminds us that we all make mistakes, but we can make up for them by doing more good. It's never too late to turn things around and create positive karma for ourselves. Instead of getting disheartened, it teaches us that we can do things to make up for our past deeds.
By acknowledging our mistakes, taking responsibility for our actions, and making a conscious effort to do better, we can shift the balance in our favor. We can counteract the negative energy that may be coming our way. Karma doesn't hold grudges - it gives us the opportunity to learn, grow, and make things right.
So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you've messed up, don't worry! Just take a deep breath, dust yourself off, and start doing good deeds. Karma is watching, and it will reward your efforts with positivity and good vibes.
Want to create better karma? Here are some tips to get you started:
Practice kindness and compassion towards yourself and others
Speak and act with integrity and honesty
Show gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in your life
Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions, and strive for positivity
Give back to your community and help those in need
Whether we're aware of it or not, karma is constantly at work, reminding us that we'll eventually get what we deserve - good or bad. And that's why it's so important! It motivates us to be our best selves and make better choices. So, let's strive to create positive karma by doing good deeds and acting with kindness. After all, positive karma is like a boomerang - it always comes back around to benefit us in the end.
Final Thoughts: Karma Is Real And Important
In conclusion, it's important to realise that karma is not just a mystical concept, but a fundamental law of the universe. It's a reminder that everything we do has an impact, and that we have the power to create positive or negative energy with our actions.
By living with awareness and making conscious choices, we can cultivate positive karma and attract goodness into our lives. So, whether you're hoping for good karma to come your way, or looking to make a positive change in your life, remember that the power is in your hands. Keep your heart and mind open, and let the wheel of karma guide you towards a better tomorrow.
If you’re interested in learning more about what you can do to live a better life, consider reading ‘How to The Power of Positive Affirmations: How to Use Affirmations for Personal Growth’
Priya R. Monver is a poet, writer, and lifelong learner. She is a business graduate who is fascinated by nature and mental health. Her love of writing and knack for branding help her grow as a professional content writer. Follow Priya on Twitter.