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  • Heart Chakra Necklace
  • Heart Chakra Necklace
  • Heart chakra necklace
SKU: TY0079

Heart Chakra Necklace

Only 1 left in stock

This unique Heart Chakra Necklace is handcrafted on NSW on the Mid North Coast, Australia. Featuring Rose Quartz and Aventurine, the necklace is perfect for harnessing the its power of love. The necklace also features a freshwater pearl.


Rose Quartz is often associated with the heart chakra, which is the fourth chakra located in the centre of the chest. The heart chakra is connected to love, compassion, empathy, and emotional healing. Rose quartz, a pink variety of quartz, is believed by some to resonate with the energies of this chakra due to its colour and properties.


Here's how rose quartz is thought to relate to the heart chakra:


  • Colour Resonance: The heart chakra is often represented by the color green, which is associated with healing and balance. Rose quartz's gentle pink color is seen as an extension of this healing energy.

  • Energetic Qualities: Rose quartz is commonly referred to as the "stone of unconditional love." It is believed to radiate a soothing and nurturing energy that encourages self-love, compassion for others, and emotional healing.

  • Healing Emotional Wounds: Rose quartz is thought to assist in healing emotional wounds and promoting forgiveness. It is believed to help release past pain and traumas, allowing the heart to open to new experiences.

  • Enhancing Relationships: Rose quartz is often used to enhance relationships, both romantic and platonic. It is said to foster qualities such as trust, understanding, and empathy, which are key aspects of the heart chakra.

  • Self-Love and Self-Care: Using rose quartz can support practices of self-love and self-care. It is believed to help individuals connect with their own inner beauty and worthiness.


If you're interested in using rose quartz to support your heart chakra, you can:


  • Wear Jewellery: Wearing rose quartz jewellery, such as a pendant or a bracelet, can keep its energies close to your heart area.

  • Meditation: During meditation or energy work, you can hold a rose quartz crystal over your heart chakra to help balance its energy.

  • Crystal Layouts: Place rose quartz crystals on or around your body during meditation or relaxation. You can create a crystal layout over your heart chakra to promote healing and openness.

  • Decor and Placement: Placing rose quartz crystals in your living or bedroom space can create an atmosphere of love and harmony.




Aventurine is a type of quartz known for its beautiful green colour, and it is often associated with the heart chakra in traditional crystal healing and metaphysical practices. The heart chakra, or Anahata, is believed to be the centre of love, compassion, and emotional well-being in the body's energy system, according to various Eastern spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism.


The connection between aventurine and the heart chakra is based on the belief that certain crystals and stones carry specific energetic properties that can interact with and influence the energy centers or chakras in the body. In the case of aventurine and the heart chakra:


  • Colour Correspondence: Aventurine is typically green in colour, and green is the colour associated with the heart chakra. In this system, colours are believed to carry specific vibrational frequencies that can resonate with and balance the corresponding chakra.

  • Energetic Qualities: Aventurine is thought to possess qualities that align with the attributes of the heart chakra. It is often associated with promoting feelings of love, compassion, and harmony. Using aventurine in conjunction with the heart chakra is believed to help balance and activate this energy center, facilitating emotional healing and openness.

  • Emotional Healing: The heart chakra is associated with matters of the heart, both physically and emotionally. Aventurine is believed to support emotional healing, especially in areas related to relationships, self-love, and empathy.


To work with aventurine and the heart chakra, individuals may place the crystal on or near the chest area during meditation or wear it as jewellery. Some people also use aventurine in crystal grids, rituals, or energy healing sessions focused on balancing and opening the heart chakra.


Individual experiences with crystals can vary, and their use should be approached with an open mind and a personal understanding of their symbolic and energetic significance.

  • Please note crystals do vary in size and colours and therefore the photos on this site may not be the exact shade of the crystal. Once an item is sold I remake another to have in stock and update the photo to try and match the crystals as close as possible to the photo.

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