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  • Third Eye Crystal Necklace
  • Third Eye Chakra Crystal Necklace
  • Third Eye Chakra meanings
SKU: TY0078

Third Eye Necklace (Chakra)

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This unique necklace is handcrafted with love in NSW on the Mid North Coast. Featuring Amethyst, Hematite and Obsidian, the necklace is perfect for assisting to open the Third Eye Chakra. The necklace also features a hammered pendant that was made from a plumber's washer that I hammered to give texture.


Amethyst is often associated with the third eye chakra, which is located between your eyebrows and is connected to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Using amethyst in conjunction with third eye chakra work can help balance and activate this energy center. Here's how you might incorporate amethyst into your practice:


Meditation: Find a quiet and comfortable space. Hold an amethyst crystal in your hand or place it on your forehead, right above the third eye chakra. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and focus your attention on your third eye area. Visualise a soothing purple light expanding from the crystal and enveloping your third eye. This can enhance your intuition and inner vision.


Crystal Layout: Lie down and place amethyst crystals on your third eye chakra and other associated points like the crown of your head and the base of your throat. Allow the energy of the crystals to align and balance your third eye chakra while you relax and breathe deeply.


Affirmations: While holding an amethyst, repeat affirmations related to your third eye chakra such as, "I trust my intuition," "I see clearly and intuitively," or "I am connected to my higher self."


Journalling: Write down your thoughts and experiences as you work with amethyst and focus on your third eye chakra. Document any insights, dreams, or intuitive experiences you might have during this time.


Wearing Amethyst: You can wear amethyst jewellery, like a pendant or a ring, to keep its energy close to your third eye throughout the day. This can help you stay connected to its soothing and intuitive properties.


Visualisation: During meditation or relaxation exercises, visualize a vibrant amethyst crystal at your third eye. Imagine it spinning and emitting a gentle purple light, helping you access your inner wisdom and intuition.


Obsidian: A grounding and protective volcanic glass, Obsidian complements Amethyst by providing a stabilising influence. It helps anchor the ethereal energy of the Third Eye chakra, ensuring a balanced and centered experience. Obsidian's reflective nature also encourages introspection and self-awareness.

Hematite: Renowned for its metallic luster, Hematite is incorporated for its grounding and balancing properties. It acts as a stabilizing force, enhancing focus and concentration. Hematite's magnetic energy is thought to align with the Third Eye, promoting mental clarity and insight.


Metaphysical Properties:

  • Enhanced Intuition: Amethyst, with its intuitive and calming energy, empowers the Third Eye chakra, encouraging a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom. This aids in decision-making and fosters a heightened sense of intuition.

  • Balanced Perspective: The grounding influence of Obsidian ensures that the heightened awareness from Amethyst is balanced and integrated into everyday life. This combination facilitates a clear and balanced perspective, allowing for a more profound understanding of situations.

  • Clarity of Thought: Hematite's grounding energy promotes mental clarity, aiding in concentration and focus. This synergy with Amethyst and Obsidian helps alleviate mental fog and fosters a sharpened intellect.

  • Protection and Purification: Obsidian's protective properties shield the wearer from negative energies, while Amethyst and Hematite work together to purify and cleanse the energy surrounding the Third Eye chakra. This trio creates a harmonious energy field that promotes spiritual growth and protection.

Whether you're delving into meditation, seeking heightened intuition, or simply adding a touch of spiritual elegance to your ensemble, this Third Eye Chakra Necklace is a testament to the intricate interplay of crystals.


Handmade with love in Tea Gardens, NSW, it serves as a constant reminder to trust your inner vision and embrace the transformative power of crystal energy. 


  • Please note crystals do vary in size and colours and therefore the photos on this site may not be the exact shade of the crystal. Once an item is sold I remake another to have in stock and update the photo to try and match the crystals as close as possible to the photo.

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