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  • solar plexus necklace
  • solar plexus necklace
  • solar plexus necklace
SKU: TY0080

Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace -Citrine and Sunstone

Only 1 left in stock

This unique Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace is handcrafted with love in NSW on the Mid North Coast. Featuring citrine, the necklace is perfect for harnessing the metaphysical uses of citrine for helping you be happy and creative.  The necklace also features a hammered pendant that was made from an every day washer, and sterling silver clasp. 


Citrine and the Solar Plexus

Citrine is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is the third chakra located in the upper abdomen area. The solar plexus chakra is linked to personal power, confidence, self-esteem, and willpower. Citrine, a beautiful yellow-golden crystal, is believed by some to resonate with the energies of this chakra due to its colour and properties. Here's how citrine and sunstone is thought to relate to the solar plexus chakra:


Colour Resonance: The solar plexus chakra is associated with the colour yellow. Citrine's natural yellow or golden colour aligns with this chakra, making it visually and energetically compatible.

Energetic Qualities: Citrine is often referred to as the "stone of abundance" and is associated with positivity, creativity, and self-confidence. It is believed to help release negative energies, boost self-esteem, and empower individuals to take control of their lives.

Balancing Energies: Citrine is thought to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, helping to balance its energy. It may assist in enhancing one's sense of self-worth, promoting inner strength, and encouraging a healthy sense of personal identity.

Mental Clarity: Citrine is also believed to support mental clarity and focus. This can be particularly helpful for the solar plexus chakra, as it governs our personal power and decision-making abilities.


If you're interested in using citrine to support your solar plexus chakra, you can:


  • Wear Jewellery: Wearing citrine jewellery, such as a pendant or a bracelet, can keep its energies close to your solar plexus area.

  • Meditation: During meditation or energy work, you can hold a citrine crystal over your solar plexus chakra to help balance its energy.

  • Decor and Placement: Placing citrine crystals in your living or work space can create an environment that supports confidence and self-empowerment.


Sunstone and the Solar Plexus

The solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura, is linked to personal power, confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to manifest one's desires. Sunstone is believed to have several properties that can support and balance the solar plexus chakra:


  • Energising and Revitalising: Sunstone is often considered a powerful energiser. It is believed to bring warmth, strength, and vitality, aligning with the qualities associated with a balanced solar plexus chakra. This can help boost confidence and motivation.

  • Encourages Independence: Sunstone is thought to encourage independence and originality. By promoting a sense of self-worth and individuality, it may aid in overcoming feelings of inadequacy and help individuals embrace their uniqueness.

  • Enhances Leadership Qualities: The solar plexus chakra is linked to leadership and the ability to take control of one's life. Sunstone is believed to enhance leadership qualities, helping individuals assert themselves and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

  • Balances Emotions: Sunstone is said to have a balancing effect on emotions. By soothing emotional stress and promoting a positive outlook, it may contribute to a more stable emotional state, allowing for better decision-making and a sense of inner balance.

  • Manifestation of Goals: This crystal is associated with the manifestation of desires and goals. It is believed to help individuals set clear intentions and take the necessary steps to achieve their ambitions, aligning with the solar plexus chakra's connection to personal power.

  • Boosts Creativity: Sunstone is thought to stimulate creativity and inspiration. By enhancing mental clarity and encouraging a positive mindset, it may assist individuals in expressing themselves more creatively and confidently.


To use sunstone for balancing the solar plexus chakra, you can wear it as jewellery, carry it as a pocket stone, or place it over the chakra during meditation. It's essential to set positive intentions and focus on the energy flow in the solar plexus region. As with any holistic practices, individual experiences with crystals can vary, and it's important to explore what resonates best with you.


  •  Please note crystals do vary in size and colours and therefore the photos on this site may not be the exact shade of the crystal. Once an item is sold I remake another to have in stock and update the photo to try and match the crystals as close as possible to the photo.

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