Deb Carr

Feb 103 min

Discover the Healing Power of Crystals for Virgos for those born August 23 - September 22

Virgos, born between August 23 and September 22, are known for their analytical minds, attention to detail, and practical approach to life. Virgos, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, possesses a unique blend of earthy pragmatism and mental acuity. However, like all zodiac signs, Virgos can benefit from additional support on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With the help of Virgo crystals, this is where the healing power of crystals comes into play.

Crystals have been used for millennia for their metaphysical properties, offering a harmonious balance of energy that can help align the mind, body, and spirit. Certain crystals resonate particularly well for Virgos, providing support in areas where they may need it most. Let's explore some of these Virgo crystals and how they can assist individuals born under this sign:

Crystals for Virgos


Metaphysical Properties: Known as the stone of courage and truth, Amazonite empowers Virgos to speak their minds with confidence and authenticity. It soothes anxiety and promotes inner harmony, allowing Virgos to express themselves openly and assertively.

Affirmation: "I embrace my true voice and speak my truth with courage and clarity."


Metaphysical Properties: Citrine is a stone of abundance and prosperity, aligning perfectly with Virgo's practical nature. It attracts wealth and success while promoting a positive mindset and joyful outlook on life. Citrine energises Virgos to pursue their goals with optimism and determination.

Affirmation: "I am a magnet for prosperity and abundance. I attract success with every step I take."

Moss Agate

Metaphysical Properties: Moss Agate is closely associated with nature and the natural world. It encourages Virgos to spend time outdoors, connecting with the earth and finding solace in nature's beauty. This crystal reminds Virgos of the importance of slowing down, enjoying the present moment, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life.

Moss Agate is said to be a stone of abundance and manifestation. It helps Virgos clarify their intentions and attract prosperity and success into their lives. By aligning with the energy of abundance, Virgos can cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance consciousness.

Affirmation for Moss Agate: "I am grounded, balanced, and at peace with myself. I embrace the beauty of imperfection and trust in the abundance of the universe."


Metaphysical Properties: Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual protection and intuition. It enhances Virgo's natural analytical abilities with heightened intuition, guiding them towards deeper insights and understanding. Amethyst also promotes relaxation and stress relief, allowing Virgos to find balance amidst life's challenges.

Affirmation: "I trust my intuition to guide me towards clarity and wisdom. I am at peace knowing that I am protected and supported."

Clear Quartz

Metaphysical Properties: Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that amplifies energy and intention. It cleanses the mind of clutter and enhances mental clarity, making it an ideal companion for Virgos who seek precision and focus in their endeavours. Clear Quartz also magnifies the effects of other crystals, intensifying their healing properties.

Affirmation: "I am clear-minded and focused on my goals. With each breath, I align my intentions with divine clarity and purpose."


Metaphysical Properties: Peridot is a stone of renewal and growth, resonating deeply with Virgo's desire for self-improvement and personal development. It cleanses the heart and releases negative patterns, allowing Virgos to embrace change with grace and optimism. Peridot encourages Virgos to let go of perfectionism and embrace their unique growth journey.

Affirmation: "I release old patterns and welcome positive change into my life. I am open to growth and transformation, trusting in the process of life."

Incorporating these crystals into daily life through meditation, wearing them as jewellery, or placing them in the home or workspace can provide Virgos with valuable support and guidance on their journey. As they hold their chosen crystal, repeating the corresponding affirmation can enhance its healing effects and deepen their connection to its energy. With the power of crystals by their side, Virgos can navigate life's twists and turns with confidence, clarity, and grace.